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Naraca Barnetson

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Naraca Barnetson Empty Naraca Barnetson

Post by Naraca Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:17 am

Basic Information
"I've given everything for my nation, yet it's still not enough"

Name: Naraca Barnetson
Gender: Male

    Appearance:[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Personality:A man, who had fallen time and again, a man, who had fought and died, only to rise again, a man, who had lost everything, yet still fought for nothing. A man, who has made his name through blood, sweat, tears, hardship, pain, broken bones, constant battle and never ending resolve to keep going. A man, who still to stands this day, stands a legend, not for his power, nor his brutality, but for his convictions as a warrior, and his morals as a man. These are the words to describe Naraca Barnetson. He always carries with him a strong sense of justice, feeling strongly about what right and wrong. His body contains many scars, and his soul contains 3 times the amount. His sense of courage, loyalty to his fellow man, his guts to never give up, they all carry him. Yet his personality would be hard to connect to this fact. Naraca keeps to himself, he is an introverted and introspective man who always searches himself before others, making sure he's in the right. He hardly shows any happy emotions, smiles don't connect to his face, and if they do, they don't remain for very long. His silent and stoic way of carrying himself yet provides a contrast to his occasional dry humor. He usually prefers quiet places, which can be considered odd since he will frequently wander around the Earth Kingdom to get the opinions and perspectives of his fellow Earth Nation inhabitants. He is humble, and always willing to take in someone opinion, he rarely thinks of himself, which provides a unique selfless quality that is geared towards others. His losses however, do weigh heavy on his heart. Not a day goes by that he doesn't think about the people he had failed to protect, or those that died because of him, or the people he's had to kill. Because of this he naturally keeps himself distances from people on a personal level. As the Earth King he knows many people, yet does not consider them friends, as he doesn't want them. As a fighter, he holds back often, pulling his punches and delaying in his strikes. He will always avoid killing someone, yet won't hesitate to break bones or paralyze his opponents if he has to. If there doesn't have to be a battle though, he will always avoid it.
    Over all, Naraca is a man with a big heart, and always thinks of others and is always willing to give. He will never stop giving to his Nation, and will always provide a helping hand to those that need it.
Character's Story
"I'm no hero, never was, never going to be...I'm just an old killer"

Naraca Barnetson was born on the Earth Kingdom. His life growing up was far from privileged. While yes he was born in the Earth Kingdom, his parents did not live there and only his father was an Earth Bender. He grew up as a nomad, never living in the same place for more then a few months. Why was this though? Because his family was on the run from The Fire Nation. Naraca's mother, Ayame, was a native to the Fire Nation and was a high ranking officer, she became one of the Fire Lords body guards. However, the Fire Lord that ruled had attempted to follow in the foot steps of Ozai by making the Fire Nation an empire again. Naraca's mother stopped this by assassinating the Fire Lord. This made her an enemy of the Nation, and condemned her to a life of being hunted. She fled to the Earth Kingdom where she met a man named Skarin. He was a teacher of Earth Bending, and was just outside of the kingdom where he witnessed Ayame in a 5 on 1 battle with Fire Nation troops. She herself was a non-bender and was losing the battle quickly. Skarin saved her life by defeating the fire nation soldiers and took her into the Earth Kingdom. He gave her shelter in the Earth Nation, and even went out of his way to buy a small house for her to live in. They got to know each other for about a year before they feel in love. In two years, they got married, and gave birth to two baby boys. Naraca, and Arashi. Naraca was a rather large baby, coming out of the womb at a large, and rather painful 10 pounds for Ayame. Arashi came right out at 5 pounds. Back in the Fire Nation however, the heir to the throne who was the previous Fire Lords son was overcome with anger for Ayame, and sent a full scale army to attack the Earth Kingdom just to kill her.

As a children at the age of 3, Naraca and Arashi were both healthy young boys, in pre-school, even learning the basics of martial arts from there parents. It was around this time when the Fire Nations launched there attack on the Earth Kingdom where Skarin, Ayame and the boys lived. The Earth Kingdom didn't expect it at all, and were far from ready. They were completely over whelmed. During this attack, Ayame, Skarin and there children had no choice but to flee the kingdom. When they escaped however, the Fire Lord didn't stop chasing them, always doing everything he could to hunt them down and kill them. It was because of this, that the Barnetson family couldn't stay in a single place for more then a month before needing to go somewhere else. This made life difficult, they had to fend for themselves, hunt there own food, find there own water, salvage money anyway they could. They were always hungry, and they couldn't get any long term jobs otherwise they'd be discovered. They always had to make money doing other things. Ayame and Skarin did Mercenary work every now and again, sometimes would take place in backyard competitions or even sell valuable things they found. One thing they did though, was they never stole, killed, or cheating anyone out of there money, even the rich. Despite there living conditions, Ayame and Skarin wanted to teach Naraca and Arashi to be good men.
At the ages of 13, it was starting to become known what there skills and talents were. Naraca even as a boy at this age had an incredible muscle tone and a big frame with thick bones. He was physically very tough, far stronger then that of other children his age. Arashi was short and slender, yet he was athletic and quick. Arashi's frame was smaller over all but he was like a lightning bolt of speed and reflexes. Arashi was also far more outgoing and extraverted, while Naraca was more of a shut in who kept to himself. This often caused Arashi to be the one that start all the fights between them and the brotherly rivalry. Naraca was an earth bender, while Arashi was a Non-bender. This caused Skarin to mostly teach Naraca martial arts, and Ayame to teach Arashi martial arts. Yet the parents would switch it up from time to time so there kids could be diverse. It was there training from an early age that taught Naraca and Arashi discipline, manners, generosity, kindness, compassion, respect and bravery. While Skarin and Ayame were on the run, the Fire Nation did not know of there children, so once they were old enough, they were able to carry on with there own lives if they wished.

At 18 years old, they did just that. Naraca, feeling he could make better use of his Earth bending, became an agent of the Dai Lee. While Arashi, who was a great martial artist who main weapon was metal wires, joined a non-bending town and joined the military there of people known as "The Equalists" Skarin and Ayame meanwhile, stayed on the run, yet frequently returning to both of there sons when they could. Arashi was trained by the equalists, while Naraca was trained by the Dai Lee. Arashi was very fast and quick, he used metal wires as his weapons as was great at trapping his opponents and cutting them up with the near unseeable wires. Naraca however had trouble with Earth Bending, and couldn't get to growing his bending to a level that the Dai Lee could accept. However, they kept him anyway for one reason: His Physical might. How he gained it has always been a mystery, but Naraca strength is so unbelievable, it's on a colossal scale of epic proportions. In combat, he was one of the most deadly for making use use of his strength and being able to crush his opponents. Meanwhile, Skarin and Ayame took there running like they were traveling, on a vacation even. They traveled around the globe, seeing all the sights, and keeping each other happy. However, Arashi who was now a high ranking soldier in the Equalists, had allied with the Fire Nation. The Equalists were becoming quite popular, and were noticed by the Fire Nation, so Arashi, and his squad were bought off by the Fire Lord himself. At the time it was rather normal, the Fire Lord would pay Arashi and his squad to do one job or another. Yet over time Arashi and the Fire Lord grew a personal friendship together. While Arashi was very aware of the Fire Nation being after his parents, he was also attached to the Equalists and the Fire Lord. The Fire Lord who had been looking for the woman who killed his father for almost 20 years was soon able to find out that Arashi was the son of Ayame. He played it carefully though, he wasn't going to kill Arashi right away. He had there son, so he took Arashi hostage and forced Ayame and Skarin to come out of hiding. Naraca didn't get word of this, yet grew more and more concerned when he hadn't had word from his brother in a long time. Ayame didn't want to get them involved, yet Skarin wanted Naraca to know, so he told Naraca himself that Arashi was kidnapped by the Fire Nation. They simply had no choice, they had to rescue Arashi.

Arashi was captured at night when he was sleeping, he was injected with a powerful serum that kept him asleep until the Fire Nation could secretly bring in to one of there cells. It was there that they tortured him, breaking him down and beating him to a bloody pulp every day, slowly breaking his will. Arashi was taught how to be strong, and he never said a word when they asked him where Ayame was. It was then that the Fire Lord made it public that he caught an Equalist sqaud leader named Arashi, and was going to execute him for his crimes agaisnt benders. Despite these false charges as Arashi never did such things, the evidence was falsified and he was considered to be rightfully arrested.
It was this execution that Ayame and Skarin wanted to go to, yet when Naraca asked to join they told him to stay out it. They told him "If this fails, and we all end up failing this, we want you to continue living your own life" They told him, Naraca took that as a hard pill to swallow, yet he listened and stayed put...Well for a few hours anyway.
Naraca followed them, knowing where the execution was himself, he went there as well to help them.

Ayame and Skarin entered with stealth, and attempted to free Arashi. However, they were found and forced to fight it out in the Fire Nation prison. While they were strong, Ayame and Skarin failed and were taken captive as well. The execution of Arashi was still going to take place, he wanted to force Ayame to watch as her son was murdered.
In front of the whole prison in the Fire Nation, Arashi was about to be executed when Naraca came bursting in. He killed many fire nation soldiers. Arashi could see him, Ayame and Skarin could see him. They watched him as he mowed down hundreds of men, truly showing how strong he had become. However, the Fire Lord took both Ayame and Skarin, and brought them beside Arashi, where Naraca could see them all. The Fire Lord told Naraca to give up or else he would kill all three of them.
Naraca was then restrained himself, however the Fire Lord had an idea. He called up more reinforcments, and moved Ayame, Skarin, Arashi and Naraca over to an Agni Kai arena. It was there, that he released Naraca and Skarin on the arena. He told them "After almost 20 years of hunting down the bitch that killed my father. I wanted to kill her, yet now that her family is here, I think I'd much rather have her experience what I did, and because I'm so kind, I'm going to have her son, and her husband fight to the death, whoever dies first, there death will free the other three." It was with those words, that he picked Naraca and Skarin to fight to the death. Before they did, Skarin had Naraca promise him something. "I know your going to win Naraca, after seeing you like that...I taught you well. So promise me something. Once you win this fight, you'll free your mother and brother, and keep living, and when you do, tell your mother that I love her very much...And I'm sorry that I couldn't...Keep you all safe" Naraca promised, and it was that, that they fought to the death. It was a long battle that lasted a full two hours before Naraca struck the final blow on his father, killing him.

The Fire Lord who saw this applauded at Naraca's magnificent display or power. Yet it was after seeing this, that he had Naraca restrained again, and brought him back up to the where Arashi and Ayame were. Devastated, yet angry by his fathers death, Naraca resisted, and broke through his restraints. He made a mad dash for the Fire Lord. The man was surprised, but he responded by blasting Naraca with a massive fire shot that stunned him and knocked him down. Weakened, he struggled to get up, yet as he did. The Fire Lord turned his attention to Ayame, and he grabbed her by the hair, and placed a blade on her throat.
Naraca screamed as he got up to his feet and charged, attempting to save her. Yet as he got closer, and closer, The Fire Lord sliced her throat and threw her to the ground. The moment he did that, Naraca's eye's grew red before he slammed a punch into the Fire Lord face so powerful, that his head exploded into bloody pieces.

Arashi, who was forced to watch all of this, was in such a state of shock, and pain, that his sadness, so powerful, it reached out to the spirit world. Arashi's consciousness was placed in the spirit world, where he met something that existed only in the lowest levels of the Spirit World. It was no Spirit, but a Demon. It called it self "Dahaka" and offered Arashi a way to free himself, and bring back his mother and father. All Arashi had to do was pledge his allegiance to the Dahaka, and he would be given it's power. A power which he described as being like a type of virus that travels through the spirit like an illness. Yet it grants ability's rather then negative side-effects. Arashi thought of it has a gift, and he accepted it. He labeled it as "The G-Virus". The Dahaka gave Arashi this virus, and with it, he was told that if he honed this virus, and grew stronger with it, he would have the power to bring back his dead mother and father. It was then that Arashi went back to reality, to find a crying Naraca as he held his mothers body. Arashi was suddenly out of his restraints, and he cried as well. Yet he did not comfort Naraca, for he blamed the man. He thought the way Naraca did this was wrong, and if it were Arashi, he would have been able to stop this.

It was Naraca and Arashi now. after burying there mother and father, they continued on with there lives, the way Ayame and Skarin would have wanted.

At 25 years old, Naraca was discharged from the Dai Lee due to his inability to learn more Earth bending, and Arashi...Well...He was the leader of the Equalists. Over the years, Arashi grew more and more distant from Naraca, eventually losing all contact with him. Arashi was busy, honing his power, and becoming truly a monster. His abilitys were not human, he had the ability to change his body, manipulate his genetics, change the form of his body into almost anything. He was able to turn himself into various monsters, or give himself strange weapons on his limbs or body, his eyes grew blood red as he honed this ability.
It was when he had this power very well trained, that the Dahaka told him that in order to revive his parents, he first needed a sacrifice.
Arashi could have easily taken anybody, but he wanted Naraca, the man who he blamed for the deaths of there parents in the first place. Naraca didn't deserve to see them, so this way, he could kill Naraca, and be reunited with his parents at the same time. So, he began his search for Naraca. It wasn't all that hard either, with the Equalists following his orders.
Naraca, was a nomad, like his mother and father. While Arashi was angry, Naraca was stricken with grief, yet he honored his parents, and continued his own life, while honored there name at the same time. He took in the lessons of his mother and father, and went on to help those in need, being a type of vigilante. He became sort of a mercenary without pay, as he helped those who only payed with asking him to help them.

Arashi heard of Naraca good deeds, and went on to go find him. The Equalists were able to spot him quickly. Arashi followed. Naraca was in the Earth Kingdom at this time. Arashi had a deep hatred for the Earth Kingdom, he hated benders for that matter, and figured that while he was going to kill Naraca, he might as well over throw the Earth Kingdom as well. He with the Equalists attacked Ba Sing Sae, going straight for the Earth King himself. Naraca was in Ba Sing Sae when the attack took place, only to find his brother wreaking havoc. Arashi was powerful, he killed all who stood in his way, and any who he didn't find, the Equalists killed. The Earth Kingdom was strong, but compared to Arashi, they were barely a match. Arashi made it all the way to the main temple of the Earth King himself, it was there that Naraca jumped in to stop Arashi. Yet, Arashi merely smiled at this, he was able to kill two birds with one stone now.
Naraca demanded to know why Arashi was doing this. He responded with "Because brother, you let our parents die. You didn't save them, and yet here you are trying to talk about doing the right thing when you couldn't even save our own Mother and Father. I can bring them back though...The Dahaka has given me this power...And with it I can not only kill Benders, the ones who made our lives a living hell, but I can kill you as well, the one who let Mom and Dad die like that" Arashi told him. Naraca tried to convince him otherwise, but he simply wouldn't hear of it.
It was then, that Arashi attacked Naraca. The fight was short, and quickly ended in Arashi's favor. Naraca was impaled by a long tendril like blade from Arashi, and was slammed to the ground. It was in this moment, that Naraca looked up and saw something behind Arashi. It was The Dahaka. It form was a 12 foot large demon clad in black armor and with twisted bull horns. It's bright white eyes shined through it's helmet. By seeing this, Naraca felt sympathy, as he saw the power that this Dahaka held. With it though, came an understanding. Arashi was so much pain right now, so much that he was actually possessed by a demon. While he was dying, Naraca looked up at the demon for a moment, before Arashi stood in front and blocked his view.

Arashi stood down and looked upon his fallen brother. The Dahaka told him "Finish him off Arashi. Do it, and your mother and Father will return" Yet when Arashi was there, looking down, his brain, while corrupted by darkness, played faint images of he and Naraca as children. They were laughing together, playing together, helping each other in times of hardship, always being that shoulder to cry to, and that guy to go to for advice. "He's...My brother though...How can I?" He said to himself. The Dahaka reminded him once more of his hatred for Naraca, and how his death would bring back Ayame and Skarin. Arashi played images of them though, he remembered there will, and what they taught him.
"But...Even if they do come back. Will they accept me after this?" He asked himself. Arashi began tear up in his eye's at the realization. He was so over come by hatred, pain and angry that he forgot what his parents would have wanted in the first place.
Instead of killing Naraca, Arashi helped him back up to his feet, and with the power of the G-virus, healed Naraca's wound. Once healed, Naraca took his brother in his arms. Yet the joy was short lived, as The Dahaka took full possession over Arashi. While Arashi found his heart again, it was far too late, and the Dahaka had completely taken him over. This forced Naraca to have to fight his brother once more. Arashi was still able to speak even though his body was no longer his. He begged Naraca to kill him, otherwise The Dahaka would never stop, and eventually push through to the real world and kill everyone. Naraca didn't want to, but Arashi told him that it was his last wish, and that he was sorry for everything it did. It was too late for Arashi, and Naraca had no choice.

They continued to fight, until eventually, Arashi was defeated. Once he was dead, and began to slowly die, Arashi told him "Naraca...Live, please. Don't stop okay? Don't stop fighting. Mom and Dad wouldn't of wanted us to quit. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry for what I did I know I shoulda been there...Just please...Promise that you'll live, and keep growing stronger, for Mom and Dad okay?"
Naraca could do nothing but nod his head and acknowledge his brothers last wish. Arashi was being held in Naraca's arms as he died. Right as he did though, The Dahaka had moved from Arashi's body and into Naraca's. Causing Naraca's consciousness to go into the Spirit World. The Dahaka told Naraca about how he could help Naraca, but he didn't even want to hear it. Naraca charged and attacked The Dahaka head on. It was barely a battle though as The Dahaka was able to quickly defeat him. It then said to Naraca "It doesn't matter how much you resist, I will always be a part of you now" To which Naraca replied "Then you better get used to this, because I won't stop fighting you" The Dahaka merely stayed quiet, and faded away, letting Naraca go back to the real world again. It was in the real world though, that Naraca now had The Dahaka inside of him.

The Earth King, who was saved by Naraca, and he even saved Ba Sing Sae, was given proper medical treatment. Once he awoke, he was offered a job as the Earth Kings personal body guard. He accepted the job, and went on to the protect the Earth King.

Now at the present, Naraca is 32 years old, and just 2 years ago, The Earth King had passed away. In this time, The Earth Kings last wish was for Naraca to be the heir to the throne, as The Earth King had no sons or daughters to carry on his name. So, as of now, Naraca remains as the Earth King, doing his duty, and carrying on the name of Barnetson and honored his parents and his brother while he will always battle with The Dahaka inside of him. He knows how to use of some it's power, yet he doesn't consider it a gift but a curse. So he called it "The C-Virus"

Nindo: "Die, and leave one lasting impact upon the world. Live, and continue to give them"
Catchphrase: "Get up"
Likes: (What are some of your characters favourite things?

  • Fighting
  • Quiet
  • Solitude
  • Pizza
  • The Earth Nation

Dislikes: (What are some of your characters least favourite

  • Injustice
  • Pizza with olives
  • Fighting for no reason
  • Crowds (Copes with it though as he's in them frequently)
  • His "Curse"

Class Information
"Strong? No, I just got lucky"

Title: The Earth King
Element: Earth

Naraca's Sword
Material: Titanium
Size: Large (7 feet long, 1 foot and a half wide)
Weight: 20 Ibs
Cost: 2 WP's
Fighting Style: Customized stance known as "Mammoth Fury"
Bending Stage: Stage 3

(Admin reward: 3 SA's with no weaknesses)
Special Abilites:

The C-Virus: (This is a Plot Ability right here. So it will go outside of what an SA can be)
The C-Virus is Virus that curses Naraca permanently. The C-Virus itself is an infection that will at every chance try and change Naraca's physical and genetic make-up. This unique virus gives him the ability to reshape and reform his body, changing his genetics and his physical structure. Allowing to do things like for example, cause his arms to mutate and look like a mass of tissue before sprouting a blade from the odd form it takes. Or perhaps his arms could form two large pincers. Any form that come out can be as hard as steel, however, each form that comes also has a weak point. No matter what is generated, there will always be these bulbous yellow masses of yellow blood, they function as the generators which allow the C-Virus to continue to form whatever it so desires. These yellow bulbs are weak, and are the weak points in whatever form Naraca takes. By destroying these, the form will be destroyed and Naraca will gradually go back to his human form as more are destroyed. In other words, Naraca could be considered amorphous, his body almost always able to take a different form or shape. However, with this Virus, Naraca will slowly lose control of himself if he uses it for too long, or if it consumes too much of his body.
It will be noted that The C-Virus is not an ability, but a curse, and it's power stems from a demon trying to posses Naraca completely. Therefore, it's intention is not to help Naraca at all, but to consume him. Therefore, the power he can take from it will never come without a cost, and therefore he does his very best to never use it. If used though, Naraca will slowly lose control of himself, and The Dahaka, will gain more and more control. The Dakaha being the demon that lets Naraca perform these dangerous things. The forms or shapes he can form or take are often disgusting in design, overflowing with blood and pus, followed by the yellow blood that comes from C-Virus infected body parts. It could be considered similar to skin bending, only the C-Virus is a forceful bending of one's whole body. This includes all tissue, Naraca's own blood, his bones, muscles, and basically his whole body. Being a Virus from the spiritual world, it does not treat someone from the real world well, and can destroy them physically, even mentally. The Dahaka is what's deep inside Naraca's body, it's presence causes this infection.
Generally, the C-virus can regenerate wounds by replacing the injury with C-virus infected tissue, it can also infect others who could be considered weak willed. The C-virus can turn Naraca into many different monster forms, making him seem far from human. There is no level that Naraca can manipulate without have The Dahaka take some level of control. Hence the longer Naraca were to use it's power, the more it would take control over him and the harder it would be for him to regain his senses.
He keeps the ability locked away, and vowed never to use it. Yet The Dahaka will always fight for control, it's power always trying to take a foothold on Naraca's consciousness. It's always rather clear when it's starting to successfully take him over because small yellow boils will grow on his skin and gradually grow larger. These are what must be destroyed, much like on an infected body part that become a weapon will have much larger boils that have to be destroyed in order to destroy the infection. The full scale of what abilities Naraca can assume with the virus are unknown, yet Naraca does his very best, to make sure he can never find out.

Major: Colossal Strength: Naraca is mostly well known for his trademark physical strength. It's not even fully measured as to what he can do. His physical might has let him slam his fists through rock, he can rip and tear metal, and can lift weight far beyond his own body weight.

Major: Earth Bender

Last edited by Naraca on Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
Earth King

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Join date : 2012-10-04
Age : 30


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Naraca Barnetson Empty Re: Naraca Barnetson

Post by Dachou Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:03 pm

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Blue Lightening

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Naraca Barnetson Empty Re: Naraca Barnetson

Post by Naraca Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:38 pm


That is awesome!
Earth King

Posts : 83
Join date : 2012-10-04
Age : 30


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